Alice sees singing as wonderful for our emotional, mental and physical health. Having been a music leader for Alzheimer’s support groups for a number of year, Alice completed Singing for Lung Health Training with Phoene Cave of the Musical Breath, an approach developed with the support of the British Lung Foundation. She recently participated in the Singing for Health Short Course training with Voice Workshop.

Alice plans to up a Singing for Health and Wellbeing group in the near future. The purpose of these groups will be to use singing, music and movement as a way of enhancing wellbeing, and will support the management of breathlessness, so would be suitable for people living with lung conditions such as COPD and asthma. Groups will be short weekly sessions on Zoom (she’ll help you get set up of you are new to this!), and there’s likely to be the option of a face to face group once the local health situation allows. Please email alice on to register your interes and find out more!

Alice is a certified Vocal Health First Aider via Vocal Health Education.